Jake Evans’ Defense of 23-Page Woke Manifesto Raises New Questions in GA-6

Did Activist Lawyer Jake Evans Shop His Defund the Police Essay Around for 3 Years?
During the Atlanta Press Club Run-Off Debate on Monday, Marine Pilot and Emergency Room Physician, Dr. Rich McCormick, focused on his story, conservative credentials, and commitment to stopping the radical Biden/Pelosi agenda in Washington. He also exposed his opponent, activist attorney Jake Evans, as a fake conservative by highlighting key passages of Evans’ 23-page manifesto that urges the United States government to Defund the Police.
Evans’ dismissed the damning essay as a law school assignment penned in 2012 at the University of Georgia School of Law. If true, that means Jake Evans was so desperate for his colleagues to read his critique of the criminal justice system and support for “reallocating” resources away from law enforcement that he actively shopped the manifesto around for three years before it was published in the University of Miami Race and Social Justice Law Review on May 1, 2015.
“Jake Evans’ latest excuse for his Defund the Police manifesto is absolutely alarming,” said Al Chaul, Campaign Manager. “If this 23-page paper really was a law school assignment from 2012, that means Fake Jake Evans actively – and aggressively – shopped it around for three years before the Social Justice Law Review agreed to publish it in 2015.
“Clearly, Jake Evans wanted the legal world to know he was woke and proud of it. Now, he’s begging voters of the 6th Congressional District to ignore what he wrote and trust that he’s actually a conservative who will fight for their values. Give me a break. This slick, lying lawyer is too radical for Georgia.”
To be published, Evans had to first submit his manifesto for review. According to their website, “The University of Miami Race & Social Justice Law Review is an academic journal that publishes submitted articles and student notes and comments on legal issues arising in any field related legal, social, economic, and psychological issues that affect communities of color, as well as other groups affected by social injustice.”
Here are a few excerpts from Jake Evans’ woke manifesto: