At CPAC, Dr. Rich McCormick Writes Prescription to Revive America

Marine Pilot, E.R. Doctor, GA-6 Republican nominee urges bold action at annual conservative conference
During a panel discussion at CPAC in Dallas with Joseph Hummer (Center for Secure Free Society) and Dr. Ronnie Jackson (R-TX), Marine Pilot and Emergency Room Doctor Rich McCormick criticized the failed and feckless foreign policy of the Biden Administration and offered solutions to revive America.
On the current state of affairs in America:
“This is the 70s all over again- the beards, long hair, opioid overdoses, runaway energy costs, proxy war with Russia, hatred of the military, hatred of the police. This is the time to act right now.”
On border security:
“We start with enforcing the laws we have, securing the border.”
On making the military woke and weak:
“They are emasculating our military. We need to win back the military. Bring up warriors to bring death down range. The CRT that I was raised on is the Combat Readiness Test and that’s the only CRT we should teach.”
On Reviving America:
“We are the answer to our own problems. Get government out of the way.”